Hi, all.
So I was folding some paper cranes recently for the GSA's upcoming Week of Silence. (Basically just
Day of Silence, but with lots of promotion on the Monday through Thursday beforehand.) And I was also showing a few other people within the GSA how to fold cranes, and I kind of just decided to make this tutorial and post it on my blog. You know. For the good of the people.
- a square piece of paper and preferably a table. that is all.
The rest of this tutorial will be given in photos and captions. Click on them and they should enlarge. Enjoy.
So get a piece of paper. This is foil paper, but any kind will do.
(I actually do not recommend foil paper for your first time; it's finicky.) |
Fold it diagonally, with the color on the inside. |
Now do that again the other way. |
Now fold it horizontally with the color on the outside. |
Now do that again. |
Now poke the middle point up and make a tent-y thingy like this. |
See how the diagonal folds you've made just kinda collapse in?
Push 'em in more. Make it happen. |
Now put it on the table and flatten it. It should make a square.
Be sure the open tip is at the bottom. |
You should have four flappy thingies on the edges. Take one.
Fold it to the middle seam. |
Do that again with the other one. |
And then the other side. |
It should look like this, you know, like a kite. |
Now take the tip and fold it down. |
Flatten it back up again, flip the paper over, and repeat. |
And then, one one side, open the thingy-things like this. |
And then pull up the tip from the bottom. |
Open it. Then open it moreeeeeeee. (This should be
taking advantage of the fold you made when you folded
the tip down.) |
Take them corner folds you made and reverse them.
Try to be as clean about it as possible. |
Flatten it on a table. It should look like this. Then,
like most of these steps, repeat on the other side. |
Now, my friends kept forgetting this step, but like, ya gotta take
the legs on the bottom and make 'em skinny. To make it easier
to remember, I started calling this step "sexy legs." For some reason.
Just fold it to the center again. |
Now do it again. Sexy legs. |
And then a third timeeeeee.... |
And then a fourth time and you're good. |
Sexy leeeeegs! They're like legs, see? |
Now take one leg, and kinda pull it out and flatten it and
turn it halfway wrong-side-out and stuff? It's hard to explain. |
And push/fold it up a little moreeeee. This is an
okay picture, right? |
This hopefully shows it a little better. |
And then make it all the way wrong-side-out,
like that. (This is hard the first few times. A lot
depends on how precise your previous folds were.) |
And then do it to the other side too, and it should look like that.
Now. Time to get nit-picky. Choose which little pokey thing
is the least precise and would be better as a crane head than as
a crane tail. I choose the right one. |
Fold it down carefully, like when you folded the legs up. |
See how it's not just all smushed-down, but instead can be
made nicely wrong-side-out again? Good. |
Now make it wrong-side-out. Huzzah! It's a head!
(This also depends on how nice your other folds were.) |
Take a wing. Fold it down. |
Take the other wing. Fold it down. |
Fold them back up a little so it can sit. And then? Yaaaaaaay
you did it! Be good to your new avian friend. |
Have a nice day!
- Allie H-S
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