Vocab: speculate (v), salient (a), scathing (a), scrupulous (a), seminal (a)
Commonly Confused Words: woman/women
Grammar Focus: parallel structure and semicolon
Hi, all.
You don't really have to read this post. Unless of course you're Mr. Parker, in which case...well...I'm sorry you have to read this post.
I've had a fair bit of writer's block lately, which recently doubled with an unfortunate little cold. So between the salient, scathing little voice in my head telling me I'll be judged for my writing and the exhausting struggle to breathe through my nose, I find it better just to get this Vital Vocab out of the way, without dragging out poor Isaac's day any farther this week. I probably will next week, but after that comes Spring Break, which means plane rides and car trips, and ample time to, ah...well, to rethink my less-than-scrupulous life decisions. (Or really just to speculate about Isaac's future, but you know what I mean.)
And hey, maybe I'll read something for once, something seminal to my later writings. Or maybe somehow the fresh air of a week in Chicago will help me learn how to write a female protagonist. Seriously, I can't write women. Can't do it. I don't know why, but they always end up too...something, then they un-develop. Oh well. I'll write a woman someday! (Is it just me, or does saying "woman" sound really weird? I hardly ever use that word.)
Anyways, time to write other things. Sorry I couldn't manage a good upload this week; it just wasn't working out. Time for me to go, so I can write a little, draw a little, read a little, think a little....
(Vital Vocab 26 does not exist.)