Vocab: vocation, wane, whimsical, zealous, zenith
Commonly Confused Words: its/it's, they're/there/their, you're/your, except/accept
Grammar Focus: parallel structure and semicolon/colon
Hi, all.
You should spam me with pageviews. I was hoping I'd reach 1500 page views by the end of the year, but this is my last Vital Vocab, and on Friday, I post my last required post. (And I'll try, but let's just accept that I don't do a lot of overtime posting - especially compared to this friend and this friend and probably several others.) I will, of course, post my epistolary when it's finished, and whatever else I write because I actually really like this blog and stuff, but...but I digress. 1500 pageviews. And look at this! Look. At. This.

Thirty views! By the end of the week. Can we do it? (Probably not, but it's worth a shot.)
But so, on to other end-of-the-year things. I know other people have already done their final Vital Vocabs on this same thing, and also, I am an awkward turtle and I suck at telling people who I really admire that I really admire them, but that doesn't make this any less necessary. So, um, yeah. Mr. Parker...ya done good.
Honestly, this was the best class I've had in a long time, English or otherwise. Everything we read in class (Killer Angels doesn't count - summer reading) was something to stay with me, something useful to me, something I'll be sure to remember in a year. We read and discussed books to care about, books to love, books to zealously shove under others' noses (just ask my mom; they're really stacking up for her). I was excited to go to this class from the first weeks of the year, and that feeling didn't simply reach its zenith and wane. We've got just four weeks left until summer, and I still look forward to English as much as I always did.
Now, note that I've got four fabulous friends in my English class, a fortune I haven't been presented with since probably the third grade, so that certainly helps matters. (And I am so sorry that there's always that constant and useless whimsical chatter from us. Please don't mistake that for a lack of respect; it's really just our pitiful lack of control.)
Now obviously, being me, I have a personal affinity for English classes. But this is the best one I've had in a while. And I generally try to skirt around how people sometimes point out to me that they think I have a vocation for writing, but this class...it's really nice to feel like you're fairly skilled at something, and that maybe your life could go somewhere. You know, eventually.
So, all in all, I'm kinda bummed about the end of the school year, except I signed up for Mr. Parker's Creative Writing class next year, so there is yet hope.
Thanks for the reading and the pageviews, friends. May good fortune come your way and your eyelashes not fall directly into your eyes. Until next time.