January 27, 2014

Vital Vocab 18

First thing's first, I need to give a shout-out to my friend Sara, for being a hipster.  (ahaha she's gonna hate me pretty soon....)

Okay so hi!  I changed the end of last week's Vital Vocab because I really couldn't figure out what to do with Mrs. Hewett.  I got the idea back in November and then it kind of died, so...I dunno.  I'll bring her back later.
I'm kind of falling asleep as I write this, so...just know that I did my best, okay guys?

Also, I'll probably do what I did last week and post an update with a picture for this on Friday.

Prompt: --
Vocab: metamorphosis, malevolent, myriad, maxim, malleable
Commonly Confused Words: accept/except
Grammar Focus: use a colon to introduce a list

Isaac Bade-
     "I'm not crazy," Ava said, moving various book stacks.  "I swear, she was here like ten minutes ago.  She told me to keep an eye out for you.  Buuuuut, now she's nowhere to be seen.  So that's interesting.  Anyways...."  
     She went to check out the line of girls' books before they started to get too malevolent.  A few of them turned books in, which she accepted, moving seamlessly through the motions except for when she had to tall one girl she owed fines, at which point the girl stopped and struggled to find money in her myriad and oversized purse.  I watched idly, not having much else to do.
     I wondered vaguely what it would be like if this library went through a complete metamorphosis one day and suddenly, there were people everywhere.  The idea reminded me of school functions when I was a kid, things like parent-teacher conferences, where they'd put up inspirational quotes and various maxims on the wall just for the parents to see: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime, or, shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.  I'd see them so often that they became completely devoid of meaning.  I remembered hallways being cluttered in the corners with tables showing off kids' art projects of various types, some papier maché, some paintings, some just jumbles of over-malleable wire.  Every Monday morning now, I kind of wished I could go back to that.



    1. Yes you are. You told me yourself you accepted the fact. You love Starbucks. You wear the glasses. You take selfies /all the time/. You're a hipster. *rolls eyes*
